Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EPC Welcomes New Coach Addition

Cary Kinross-Wright

EPC is proud to announce the addition of long course and Xterra stud-ette, Cary Kinross-Wright, as an EPC coach for 2009. Cary has been working with Cody and EPC for the last 3 years as an athlete gathering many great results along the way. Most recently an Xterra Regional Championship title and trips to Clearwater and Maui for the 70.3 and Xterra World Championship events. 

Cary has been a student of endurance sports since her mid-twenties. Starting as a marathoner and adventure racer she transitioned to Ironman racing as a way to "train" for the others. This experience quickly turned into a passion for triathlon racing of all distances. To her credit she has 8 marathons, including Boston, 6 Ironmans, several ultra-distance runs, including the Leadville 100, and several multi-day adventure races under her belt. More recently she has narrowed her focused to 70.3 and Xterra events looking to add National and World Championship titles to her resume. 

In addition to being a stellar athlete, Cary has put considerable effort into learning and understanding the reasons behind the training she has done and how to make the most out the training she puts in. This fact, combined with the qualities of being a good listener, instructor, and planner, will make her an excellent coach for those endurance athletes looking for the total package.  Have Cary and EPC help you reach your goals in 2009! 

Cary on the podium as
Xterra Regional Champion in 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Return of the EPC Multisport Club

Yes you read correctly, the EPC Multisport Club is making a comeback for 2009. Originally created in 2004 as a means for Cody and his friends to train and race together, the EPC Club grew over the next two years to include as many as 45 athletes from around Denver. These competitive and non-competitive  triathletes, cyclists and runners met regularly over the winters for group rides and runs, indoor trainer sessions and monthly dinner socials/meetings. 

Over the summer of 2007, the club and it's members lost some direction and eventually fizzled out from lack of leadership from the management and lack of participation from it's athletes. Sad, I know. The club eventually evolved into what is now the EPC Xterra Team consisting of 8 of the top amateur and professional Xterra athletes in the country. 

Not wanting to limit it's offerings to just a select few of elite athletes, EPC is bringing back the Club for everyone to participate in. Very nice! Plans for the resurrected multisport club include USAT sanctioning, the return of regular off-season group training sessions along with specific event training programs for athletes of all abilities to train for a handful of chosen events each year. New club clothing, equipment and service discounts from sponsors, and much more can also be expected in 2009. 

Look for an official club kick-off party to occur in November to jump start the excitement for the new year. Here you can meet many of the returning members and new members alike, sign-up for the new year, start planning your 2009 training/racing goals, and discover all the new and exciting plans for the EPC Multisport Club.

Stay tuned for more!