Saturday, December 8, 2007

Goal Setting 101

Goal setting is a valuable and effective practice that most athletes end up ignoring. Properly set goals provide us with the reason for getting up at 5 am for swim practice and getting in those long winter trainer sessions and 2 hour runs in 20 degree weather. Goal setting lays the foundation for our training and provides the road map to success.

Here are some tips to help you set your own goals and use them to help you achieve:

1. Set long-term goals first. Think down the road not only for this year's training and racing, but two, three and more years in the future. Write down 2-3 goals you'd like to accomplish each year for the next three years.

2. Set short-term goals. Now narrow your focus to your 2008 season. Write down what you want to achieve in the coming year. Think beyond just race results or times. Be sure to have training objectives and lifestyle commitments included. Set specific goals for every eight to twelve weeks of the year.

3. Determine how to accomplish your short-term goals. For each of your short-term goals, write down 2-3 things you plan to do to help you accomplish these goals. Be specific!

4. Keep your goals challenging but realistic. Set goals that have you stretch to reach them. Challenge yourself, but be realistic. If you are in your second year of racing, making the '08 Olympic Team is probably a too big of a stretch.

5. Be specific and write them down. Avoid vague goals as they tend to not motivate as much as specific goals. You should know exactly what you want to accomplish and how you plan to go about doing it.

After you have your goals written down make several copies and place them in places you will see them throughout the day (training log, night stand, desk, refrigerator, bathroom mirror). Be sure to read them on a daily basis to keep your goals in the front of your mind. Also consider sharing your goals with family members, friends, training partners and co-workers. If you let others know what you are doing and what you plan on accomplishing you are more likely to keep with it and you benefit from there support and enthusiasm.

The whole goal setting process need only take an hour or so and it can be the most valuable time spent all year in helping to build your confidence, desire, and need to achieve!

Good Luck,


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